Monday, December 3, 2012 Weekly Links (weekly) | Working at the edge

  • MIT launched the MIT + K12 program, encouraging its students to create videos teaching basic engineering and science concepts to younger students. Produced in partnership with Khan Academy and found on the popular video site YouTube, the videos are geared towards K-12 students and aim to interest these younger students in the STEM subjects.

    tags: mit stem science engineering tl2014

  • The BioDigital Human is a great free resource that can provide education and fun by giving you a new way to look at and learn about the human body in general and even specific systems.

    tags: anatomy biology body science human health Education tl2014

  • Interesting how online learning is perceived by the mainstream. It?s definitely for a certain kind of learner, but it still requires hard work and focus, often to a greater degree than in face-to-face learning environments.

    tags: myths online online learning learning

  • ?Here, you?ll find resources to help you understand, design & create infographics.?

    tags: visualization infographics design charts graphs tl2014

  • Skype in the Classroom is a website on which teachers worldwide can post ideas for Skype lessons, connect with other classrooms and come up with ways to collaborate via Skype.

    tags: Skype collaboration education technology classroom global web2.0 tl2014

  • Looking for inspiration for better understanding creativity? Here is a list of ten TED talks to inspire.

    tags: ted talks beauty creativity innovation

  • COERLL?s mission is to produce and disseminate Open Educational Resources (OERs) for the Internet public (e.g., online language courses, reference grammars, assessment tools, corpora, etc.). The term OER refers to any educational material offered freely for anyone to use, typically involving some permission to re-mix, improve, and redistribute. Thus, COERLL seeks to promote a culture of collaboration that lies at the heart of the Open Education movement. In addition, COERLL aims to reframe foreign language education in terms of bilingualism and/or multilingualism. As such, all COERLL resources strive to represent more accurately language development and performance along dialectal and proficiency continua.

    tags: language learning world language oer tl2014

  • The game begins by challenging players to inflict injuries on a loveable, unwitting protagonist. Using their arsenal of placebos, painkillers and spider venom, players then defend a pulsing brain against waves of pain signals.

    tags: game science museum pain ouch tl2014

  • Outline for a course entitled Social Networked Learning.

    tags: learners networked pln education networkedlearning syllabus

  • ?Maps show coastal and low-lying areas that would be permanently flooded, without engineered protection, in three levels of higher seas. Percentages are the portion of dry, habitable land within the city limits of places listed that would be permanently submerged.?

    tags: climatechange interactive nytimes tl2014

  • Measuring student achievement with a standardized test analogous to measuring a person?s health by determining height and weight. There are many more measures that indicate overall health as there are measures that indicate what students have achieved. There are skills and abilities beyond ?information recall and low-level understanding of concepts? that our students will need for success in a rapidly changing world.

    tags: measuring student achievement success testing scores assessment tl2014

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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By Randy Ziegenfuss ? Posted in Resources ? Tagged Resources


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