Sunday, July 15, 2012

Best Detox Formula for Your Busy Life Natural Health and Fitness ...

Triphala is one of the most important herbal formulas in Ayurveda.? The recipe for this herbal mixture dates back thousands of years and is part of hundreds of formulations to treat various health problems.

A popular Indian folk saying goes, ?No mother? Do not worry so long as you have Triphala.??? This statement shows the importance given to Triphala throughout India. ??As a mother cares for her children, Triphala takes care of your health and well being.

Triphala is considered a ?tridoshic rasayan? or a ?balancing rejuvenative? for the whole body.? It is known to regulate all major systems of the body and the three Doshas (bio-energetic principles that govern all functions of life), namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

The word ?Triphala? stands for ?three fruits? and the formulation contains the dried and powdered form of the three fruits: Amalaki, Bhibitaki, Haritaki.

The fruits can also be used in various proportions depending on the individual?s mind body constitution or to address a specific health concern.

Health Benefits of Triphala


Normal functioning of the liver, skin, digestive system and kidneys is essential for body?s ability to eliminate waste products.

If these organs or systems are not functioning properly, the body is unable to eliminate waste products and can become toxic.

Triphala supports normal functioning of eliminative organs and systems thus prevents buildup of toxins.? Thus making this master cleanse one of the best ways to cleanse your body.

Promotes proper bowel function

Digestive issues ranging from constipation and irregular bowel movements, etc., are one of the major causes of poor health and disease. Thus proper elimination is very important for overall health and preventing disease.

Triphala helps regulate bowel movements for excretion of waste from the body.? It is a mild laxative that is not habit forming thus suitable to be taken regularly.

Natural fat burner

Congestion and improper functioning of bodily tissues, especially the liver and the digestive system will often lead to weight gain.

In addition to improving functioning of the digestive system to break down and assimilate food, Triphala improves functioning of the liver which is responsible for metabolizing fats.

It does this by improving secretion of bile which is essential for fat breakdown.? ?This makes Triphala one of the best herbs for weight loss.

Digestive tonic?

It is a natural tonic for the digestive system.? It promotes proper digestion by detoxifying and improving the health of the stomach and intestinal tract. ? Which in turn helps increase metabolism, improve appetite and absorption of nutrients.

Potent antioxidant and??Rasayana??or rejuvenative

It is an antioxidant rich formula with extremely high concentrations of bioflavonoids, polyphenols and tannins. Amalaki, one of the ingredients in Triphala is one of the highest known natural sources of vitamin C.

Fresh Amalaki contains about 20 times more vitamin C than orange juice. ?All three herbs in Triphala have potent free radical fighting properties making it one of the most powerful anti aging antioxidants.

It is an adaptogen (increases the body?s ability to adapt to internal and external stress).?? Helps invigorate and strengthen the whole body which helps with faster recovery after physical, emotional and psychological stress.

Lowers cholesterol and protects the heart

Ayurvedic doctors use Triphala to help reduce plaque formation in arteries and thus reducing risk of heart problems.? It contains linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) and phospholipids. ?Linoleic acid has been shown to help decrease LDL or the harmful cholesterol.

According to Ayruveda, its anti inflammatory and edema reducing properties help normalize circulation and lower blood pressure.? By decreasing edema it lowers increased pressure against the blood vessels.

It is well known now that inflammation is one of the main culprits in atherosclerosis (hardening of the arterial wall) resulting in cardiovascular disease.? As an anti inflammatory it prevents scarring and atherosclerosis.

With less resistance against the vessel walls, the workload of the heart goes down which results in reduced blood pressure.

Triphala is one of the best all around herbal formulas that can be taken from childhood to old age.? It tones the digestive system, detoxifies and rejuvenates the whole body.? Making this one of my favorite formulas for making you look younger, feel stronger and healthier.


It is contraindicated during fever, pregnancy and diarrhea.

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This article is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your physician, physical therapist or medical practitioner before starting any exercise program or trying any of the herbal products/recommendations mentioned in this video/article.



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